Sunday, March 30, 2014

Trend Moslem Beauty Expo 2014

Assalamualaikum wr wb

finally I'm visited this event
Trend Moslem Beauty Expo 2014
at Exhibiton Hall Grand City
March 27th 2014
I'm exited about this event cause more than 20 booth seling hijab outfit
and I got  hijabs from @hijabunvioleta (instagram)
thank you :)

Hijab Tutorial #13

see ya again at my hijab tutorials next time :)

Hijab Tutorial #12

Hijab Tutorial #11

The next tutorial hijab 
follow my instagram : @Rachmanaf
or for ask about the steps please contact my line ID Rachmanaf
thank you ;)

Hijab Tutorial #10

Assalamualaikum wr wb
hi guys , I really miss the way post my daily activity on my blog.
I will do it now haha
but this time I will post some tutorial hijab 
I wish you (reader) like this

You need:
1. Inner ninja
2. a pashmina (twistcone) 200 x 80
3. two pins

 I'm sure that we can understand step by step on that pic. 
So happy practice hijabers :)
Thank you :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hijab Tutorial #9

Assalamualaikum wr wb
alhamdulilllah sudah bulan maret aja nih :)
liburan semester mau abis , jadi udah mulai sibuk persiapan semester 2 
tapi mau bagi bagi tutorial dulu nih sebelum di sibukkan dengan tugas kuliah :)

oke cekidot :D
bahan-bahan yang aku pake :
1. inner ninja bahan spandek
2. pashmina pollyester 80 x 175 cm
3. jarum pentul ( butuh 3 buah aja)

langkah-langkah :
1. sematkan jarum pentul di tengah (seperti gambar) sisi kiri paling pendek
2. ambil sisi kanan (yang panjang)
3. lilitkan seperti gambar
4. sematkan jarum supaya rapi
5. ambil bagian ujung pada sisi yang tersisa
6. tarik ujungnya ke atas kepala (memasangnya agak ke depan dari jarum pentul pd langkah no 4)
7. sematkan jarum pentul
8. dan selesai 

style ini bisa dipakai untuk acara formal , atau kegiatan nonformal (kuliah, dsb)

alhamdulillah udah 9 tutorial aku bagiin buat para hijab lovers :)
insyaallah masih banyak hijab tutorial yang lainnya 
tunggu aja postingan selanjutnya :)
semoga menginspirasi kalian semua
wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

please vacation again !

Assalamualaikum wr wb
libur semester emang masih lama selesainya 
jelas buntu di rumah nggak ngapa-ngapain hehe
akhirnya temen kampus ngajakin ke Jatim Park  haha udah gede loh padahal :D
but I don't care yang penting nggak suntuk di rumah

berangkat dari jam 7.30 (yang aslinya udah di rencanain jam 6 berangkat)
ya maklum lah tren mager masih marak disini haha :D
yang awalnya udah di target jam 9 nyampe tempatnya , eh jam 11 baru nyampe broooow
lama di jalan soalnya : 1 . pada belum sarapan dan minta berhenti buat makan di pujasera tol  2. panggilan jiwa alias pup haha  3. jalannya semi-semi macet gitu lah hehe

nggak lupa dong ya naluri narsis nya nggak punah :D
teteup jeprat-jepret everytime everywhere hehe

ini pas udah nyampe gapura kota Batu . WELCOME!!!

liat tuh mkkb banget haha pada penasaran sama cermin cermin ajaib 

ekspresi abis di pontang-panting 

liat ikan di kulkas ini hehe kreatif ya 

nggak lupa (hastag) #selfie wkwk
ini liburanku gimana liburanmu ?

location : Jatim Park 1 , Batu

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Hijab Tutorial #8

Assalamualaikum wr wb
this is 2 styles of my hijab tutorial :)
lets try !

thank you :)
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Hijab Tutorial #7

assalamualaikum wr wb
hello guys , i just want to share my daily hijab tutorial :)
this style make you comfortable and look simply

you just need :
inner ninja 1 pcs
pashmina 1 pcs
pins 3 pcs

just much of SMILE hehe :)
Lets try !

thanks you :)
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Folks Time

try to find something new, tired of eating junk food and anything else. 
so we went to a place in town and taraaaa we find a suitable place to refresh our mind. 
The Folks cafe and tea, what a woderful place.

location : Folks Cafe and Tea Surabaya
Jl. Selamet 8A Surabaya

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How are you guys?

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
finally we met at a reunion with high school friends. 
after long time since graduation in June, about 7 months .
I really missed you guys, you did not change much. 
but do not to lie if the feeling nostalgic it reminds us of the stupid acts during high school.
we do it again, and we share happiness all night long

From left :
Savira - Dini - Niluh - Nisrina - Me 

Thanks for wonderful day , and see you again :)
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Family

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
hi all. I have a new family, they are my college friends. 
we are different on age, opinions, and more. but we understand each other, 
there is no word "hate" between us. although one of them has a bad character, but we are not concerned about it. 
The most important is how we cover the deficiencies of our friends :)
from left :
Diana - Disa - Andita - Ricky - Andi - Yosi - Me - Sheila

location : KFC Jl. Adityawarman Surabaya